How do you make decisions… with the mind or the heart?

During my recent business brainstorm, I got to filling my book with so many exciting new ideas... that excitement started to turn into 'oh my gosh, that's a lot to do, how is this all going to come together, how will I do it ALL?!' and before my mind could further snowball into feeling overwhelmed or anxious about the details of how, I closed my eyes.

I placed my hand on my heart.
Took a deep breath.
And asked myself, “What does my heart want?”

By slowing it all down, I saw it. I felt it. What I truly wanted to come out of these ideas and a path to implementation.

There was no force. There was no anxiety. Instead there was a deep sense of trust.

This is a mindful practice of slowing it down. It allows for clarity and better focus.

When I slow it down I can check in with myself, my intentions, and honour what is important to me now, in this moment.

Human nature has it that we live moreso in the mind than the heart… we over-plan, we try to control, we get attached to outcomes, we create expectations, and we become afraid to take risks, to experiment or to try new things.

Sometimes we live so much in the mind that nothing gets done, we can't make decisions and we can't take action.

We procrastinate.
We distract.
We make excuses.

And before you know it you've spent hours changing the colour of your website header instead of moving your business forward.

Living this way creates a lot of undue stress and anxiety, which in turn makes you feel drained and exhausted.

Slowing it down is a practice. It takes time, support and tools to cultivate this habit.

But when you learn to slow it down, the possibilities are limitless! Self trust. Calm. Clarity. Focus. Inspiration. Creativity. Intuition. Ability to take action. It's all available.

How can you start to slow down and live more from the heart this week? Share in the comments below.


Tired of being overwhelmed and want to learn how to trust yourself more so you can take confident, purposeful action to move your business forward? I have a 12-week online movement and mindfulness program for entrepreneurs and business owners ready to leave their excuses behind and grow their business.

Book a free consultation call to see if you'd be a good fit for the group.

If you're open to receiving support right away, on the call I'll give you 3 - 4 recommendations on what I would do in your situation to gain more calm, clarity and focus.