I tried something new and it was scary!

I tried something new this past weekend: I went surfing for the first time!

It was fun. And hard. And scary. And… did I say fun? 😜

If you've been in my community for awhile, you may remember that I just learned how to swim properly (without fear) during our first lockdown last year. So surfing in the open ocean feels like quite the feat!

I spent a lot of time getting thrown around by the waves, falling off the board, and ducking my head under water… but when I caught two waves and rode those waves in all the way onto the shore… oh it was so fun! And so worth all the water that went up my nose.

Trying new things is scary…

Whether that's surfing, or trying a new class, or creating a new offer for your clients, often our fears, anxiety, and self judgement come into play.

 The mind starts to race and thoughts of “I can't do it", “I'm not good enough”, “Everyone else is already doing it and doing it better” start to take up your energy.

 What do you do?

This is where mindfulness can help you. I lean into my practice to calm the mind, to get out of my own way, to constantly try new things because in that process of embracing our fears and letting go of expectations is where growth, transformation and results happen.

You don't overcome your challenges by doing the same things that clearly aren't working. You don't grow your business by doing the same things that aren't bringing you clients. You don't make better decisions if your thoughts and beliefs always stop you.

My invitation to you this week is this: try something new! Embrace your fear and anxiety, let go of your need to do it perfectly, and just TRY. In the process of trying, you will learn so much. You may even surprise yourself. 

And no, you don't have to take up surfing, trying new things can simply look like:

  • Trying out a new / different yoga class

  • Getting up 10 minutes earlier to enjoy some quiet time to yourself

  • Trying out meditation for self care

  • Taking a different route when you go out for a walk

  • Putting your phone away during dinner with the family

Most importantly, enjoy trying something new. Don't put an attachment on the outcome. Simply enjoy the process!

 ps. here are a couple things you might enjoy…

#1. Practice self awareness. Free guided meditation recordings for you to cultivate more self awareness and become present here.

#2. Ready to be calm, clear and focused as an entrepreneur? My 12-week online group coaching program teaches you how to use movement and mindfulness to make better decisions for yourself and your business. Book a free consultation call to see if you'd be a good fit.

#3. New classes! Yoga, movement, breathwork, mindfulness, and meditation. I've updated my online live stream schedule with new classes for you to try. Check it out here.