How to GROW and SCALE your business using mindfulness

"How does mindfulness GROW or SCALE my business?" πŸ’ΈπŸ’Έ

I get asked this question a lot.

Let me tell you how...

Although I don't exclusively work with entrepreneurs, I do however attract them as clients.

I'm not here to give you an ABC blueprint on what you need to post, when, where and how. Or why you need to this ONE be all end all strategy πŸ™…β€β™€οΈ Strategy is important, but only when it ALIGNS to you.

But here is what I do offer in my work as a mindfulness coach to entrepreneurs:

1. Letting go of perfectionism in business.

SO many entrepreneurs are stuck here. And what happens is they end up being paralyzed and doing nothing at all. Learn to take action without the need to be perfect, this is where you'll get results.

2. Trust yourself as a unique expert in what you do and what you offer.

When clients come to me their self-confidence is shaky and they're not even sure what they do or what they want to do because they've spent hours online comparing themselves to Donna on IG who makes 6 figures and have built up a story that they aren't good enough. Learn to get rid of this comparison trap and trust YOURSELF.

3. Confidence to be visible, in a way that feels natural and authentic.

Another thing that paralyzes entrepreneurs... the fear of being visible to potential clients because they've been told they need to go live on FB every day, or to run a regular webinar, or to send out weekly newsletters. No, you don't have to do all this. Learn to find a strategy that works FOR you, that's authentic and doesn't trigger fear in you. Get clients knocking on your door!

4. Letting go of hustle culture and learning to rest WITHOUT guilt.

Entrepreneurs are HUMAN. You are not a robot, pushing yourself to sit being the computer for 13 - 16 hours a day because that's what Sharon does is not healthy. Feeling guilt for resting does not serve you. Learn how to avoid burning out, learn how you can rest AND make money, learn to stop trading your time for money. There's better shit to be doing with your time πŸ˜…

5. Trust and courage in your business decisions.

People in general look for validation externally before they make decisions. Maybe they have a gut feeling but ignore this and ask Bob and Mary for their opinions, and then their parents, and before you know it they're stuck in limbo cause they've got a million options to choose from. You ALREADY have the answer, learn to trust it and have courage to take action on it and move your biz forward!

6. Transforming fear of failure (and/or the fear of success).

Both of these are crippling your opportunity to make 10k months, or earning enough to pay all your bills without worry, or making the impact in the world you want to make. These fears are often results of trauma, or conditioning, you've learnt over your life. Learn to bring awareness to it, and mark it for transformation. Your success is inevitable if you put intention into it!

If you're recognizing these things in you and are ready to release it and GROW YOUR BUSINESS, I've opened up a few spots for FREE 1:1 consultations over the next few weeks to support you personally.

Book your spot here.