Are you a reactor or creator?

I've run programs in the past that brought me much joy, nourishment and gratitude… 

But my foundations one is different. 

Why? My other programs were inspired by other people's programs and what they were doing.  

I led them my own way of course and loved offering it to my community, but I created them because someone told me this is what I ‘should’ be doing for my business. 

or I told myself that teacher, coach, business person is doing that, it means I should too! 

Have you ever done something because someone else told you, YOU SHOULD?

Of course you have. We all have! 

It's part of our learning, and growth.

But this is no longer how I act, think, operate.

I stopped looking to others for the answers on how I “should” run my business and create my offerings.

I stopped spending hours online listening to marketing gurus, business coaches, course creation masters on what I “should” be doing.

I stopped REACTING. 

Instead, I slowed down and tuned inward.

I used all of my tools and knowledge to connect and understand myself more deeply.

This foundation gave me opportunities for clarity.

Ideas, not from external sources, but from within me started to come.

Wisdom presented itself when I let myself listen.

I accept myself so hard that I don't need approval from other people to create what I, in my heart, want to create.

I became a CREATOR (instead of a reactor).

This doesn't just apply for creating courses.

But everything in life is a form of intentional creation.

Relationships. Jobs. Houses. Clients. Money. Purpose. Meaning. 

And when we create from this space, we receive beyond our wildest dreams.

I practice this and teach this because I KNOW it works. I've seen it personally, and also in my clients.

In Connect Back to Self, my 3-week online foundations course, you'll learn how to start connecting to yourself and step into the POWER OF CREATION.

To stop reacting to life, and start creating life.

To get unstuck.

To stop feeling lost.

Enrollment is now OPEN for the next round of CBTS. It starts in exactly one month.

Program details + payment plans + course feedback:

Have questions? Contact me and I'll support you to see if you're ready for this course, or not (and I'm not here to force you to be ready… that's something only you can decide for yourself).


With gratitude,


ps. this is the kind of courageous transformation I am honoured to witness through this course 👇
