Stop looking outwards and tune inwards

Courage, confidence, and wisdom are all available within you. 

Now, you might read that and think… what on earth is she talking about… I understand.

Maybe that's 'cause you were never told this.

You were told the opposite: look to your parents, teachers, others for courage.

Or maybe haven't ever felt courageous, confident or wise “enough”.

And this is why I'm tell you now:

You are not lacking courage, confidence or wisdom.

You don't need to go out there and find it under a tree.

It's inside of you.

Probably hidden under the layers of conditioning where you grew up thinking you weren't worthy, good or deserving enough.

That courage was only reserved for those who did big, brave things.

The confidence was what other people had, but not you.

This is how I used to think and operate. So you're not alone.

I was envious of the courage and confidence some people had and felt like I was lacking and not ever really good enough to have it.

That somehow I needed to go find it.

So I went and did things like worked up to three jobs at one time.

Focused on buying brand name labels.

Ran around, making sure everyone liked me and putting all of their needs before my own.

This didn't make me feel courageous or confident though, instead it made me exhausted. Tired. Stressed. Anxious. Burnt out.

It wasn't until I started to do the inner work, the work of connecting and understanding myself deeply…. on all levels of my being (body, mind, emotions and energy), that I started to understand what courage, confidence and trust felt like.

Because these things don't come from the external world.

It doesn't matter how many friends you have, how much money you make, how much designer clothes you have your in closet…

Courage, confidence and trust are internal.

It's in how you think, act, speak, and carry yourself through life.

It's in the day to day small decisions and actions.

It's in the learning of how to let go of the opinions of others, set boundaries, and do what's right for you.

It's in the learning of how to tune inwards and trust yourself.

That's why I created the 3-week online foundations course, Connect Back to Self.

Learn the foundations on how to nourish and trust the courage, confidence and wisdom you have within you.


The course has three distinct modules:


    It's time to let go of the idea that you need to be constantly doing and busy in order to be productive and worthy. In Week 1 you will learn how to slow down, what this looks like for you on a daily basis, and how this can actually support you and make you more present, productive, courageous.


    When you slow down you can start to truly connect with who you are and what's going on within you. In Week 2 you will learn to develop a habit of connecting with yourself (on all four levels) on a regular basis.


    By slowing down and connecting inward, this offers you the foundation to start to have clarity around who you want to be and how you want to create your life. In Week 3 you get 1:1 personal coaching in a group setting to gain clarity on where you're at and what you want.

Tired of looking outward for answers?

Ready to tune into the courage, confidence and wisdom within you?

Program details + payment plans + client feedback:

 FYI this is actually the last time I am running it as a live group program. In the Fall, it will be a self paced digital course (with live coaching options).

 So if this is resonating with you and your body is saying YES! I WANT TO TRUST MYSELF, I'll see you in two weeks.


The courage in me, sees the courage in you.
