How to acknowledge your emotions without the overwhelm

If you're anything like me and the clients I work with, you feel the feels.

Maybe you’ve even been called “too emotional” or “too sensitive” (fyi, me too, more than once).

Or growing up, you weren't taught how to feel (another fyi, me neither).

So now as an adult, part of your survival strategy has been to NOT feel. To instead bury your feelings deep into your subconscious for “later”.

To distract, hide and avoid them at all costs.

And yep, you guessed it, this was my coping strategy for a long time, too! And for so many people I work with, I hear a version of this in their coping strategy.

Here's the deal, we are meant to feel our feelings.

Yes, acknowledging our emotions can be scary. And it can include some deep, shadow type work (which frankly makes anyone’s first reaction be RUN instead of lean in).

But the work of feeling our feels doesn’t need to start in dark, deep, scary places.

It starts with simply acknowledging them.

Here are four ways you can start to acknowledge your emotions without the pressure to over analyze, over think, or dig deep into your past lives to see their roots:

and a tip: be kind to yourself through this process.

Practice self compassion.

Feelings are normal.

You are human and you're meant to feel.

What do we do after we feel the feels?

I had an emotional day yesterday and I just recorded a video sharing what I do - and what I coach my clients to do - to shake things up as empowered beings who take responsibility for our emotions.

We can feel the feels but don't have to dwell and throw ourselves a pity party.

Watch the video over on my Instagram stories here.

ps. I hope that this offers you ways you can start to support yourself and your emotions.

If you want to be supported and guided through compassionately understanding your emotions and how to take responsibility for them so you can be more grounded in your job, quit your job, get more paying clients, or change your relationship with your parents this is how I support my 1:1 coaching clients.

Yes, these are all actual things my clients have been empowered to do as they lean into their emotions. Book a free 30-min discovery call with me to see if you'd be a good fit.