This made me feel like I wasn't a good enough mentor and coach

There was a time when I didn't feel like I was a good enough guide, coach or mentor.

Everything I was seeing online from other coaches were testimonials about how they helped their clients make $10K months.

So I started to compare myself, consumed by this nagging limiting belief:

I don't help my clients make $10K months so the work I do is not important and I'm not good enough.

Here's what to do when self doubt arises:

Firstly, I recognize that the limiting belief is a lie.

Mine was a construction of my negative mind spinning itself to find evidence of a belief I held within me (because really, those posts have nothing to do with me, but my mind didn't make it so).

Secondly, disprove the lie.

I reminded myself of how the human brain works.

And how the limiting belief comes from generations of human conditioning in a hustle-based, capitalistic society that tells us the measure of success and worth is solely based around money (and not the human-ness of life).

Thirdly, introduce new beliefs and strengthen your self concept.

Introduce beliefs rooted in the realm of possibilities and embody them to strengthen your self concept.

For example they could be: “the transformation I support my clients to go through change their lives”, “the support and guidance I offer to my clients are transformational”, “transformations rooted in presence, emotional intelligence and energetic healing are powerful transformations".

Self doubt is a part of life. You're human if you experience self doubt in your life, work or relationships.

But that doesn't mean self trust is impossible!

This is the work I do and what I support my clients to do.

Here's what a client of mine sent me after a powerful session shifting her limiting belief that people who were proud of themselves were snobby, bad people:

She was able to embrace being proud of herself. Of loving herself and her accomplishments more deeply.

And this feeling in her whole body is something she can show up with in every area of life, instead of feeling like a bad person for accomplishing things.

The impact of showing up in the world this way is worth taking the risk.

1:1 coaching spots are now available for starting in 2022.

I don't guarantee $10K cash months when you work with me. If you're looking to make quick money with a coach, it's best you look elsewhere.

But if you're looking for guidance on…

  • Deepening your life experience and dropping the guilt

  • Being present with yourself and your emotions without the overwhelm

  • Feeling more grounded and balanced in life and at work

  • Shifting your chaotic mind into calm, clear, creative thoughts

  • Being supported to introduce new, more empowering beliefs into your system

… then we'd be a good fit. Let's chat about it.

There are two ways to chat with me about 1:1 coaching:

  1. Send me a DM on Instagram.

  2. Book a 30-min complimentary call for us to chat on Zoom.

With love,