I used to wake up feeling anxious

I ran a poll to my Instagram community recently and asked folks how Mondays made them feel…

Excite you or makes you anxious.

80% of people said Mondays made them feel anxious.

That’s a lot of people waking up with anxiety on Monday mornings!

This doesn’t surprise me, though.

I get it. My reaction to Mondays used to be the same.

I used to wake up feeling stressed, overwhelmed and worried about what I was doing the week ahead, what I had to accomplish, what was expected of me.

This happened when I was in school, when I worked in an office in Toronto and also when I first started my businesses.

It’s actually quite a common response.

Why? Because we are so conditioned to doing.

We are socialized to “hustle and grind”.

We are taught that our productivity and our worth is evaluated by how much we get done and how quickly we do it.

No wonder Monday is laden with anxiety.

What happens then when you wake up on Monday full of these emotions?

To be clear, emotions are not a bad thing. It’s your body’s natural response to stress.

Unmanaged emotions of stress, overwhelm, and worry though lead to many things that don’t serve you or serve how you want to be: thought patterns that keep you small and scared, actions that are anxiety induced, a lack of self trust, a habit of not listening to yourself, low self esteem and little confidence (to name a few).

For me constantly being anxious meant…

  • I went about my day making sure I pleased others, making sure that everyone (except for me) was okay.

  • I did things quickly, multi-tasking everything I could because I thought I needed to do everything at once.

  • I jammed packed my schedule with things to do and kept myself busy… often things that I didn’t really enjoy but did them anyway because I didn’t know what else to do.

Does this resonate with you?

In order to start reframing these emotions and start cultivating more courage and confidence, we need to learn simple ways to slow down.

We need to start cultivating a habit of putting ourselves first.
We need tools to self-regulate our emotions so they don’t control us.
We also need support and accountability.

In my experience, this is often hard to do on your own, to hold yourself accountable so that you cultivate a sustainable practice that goes beyond one class, or one week.

That’s why I have a 3-week online group foundations program. You’ll get a step by step guide on how to transform your mornings to cultivate more of how you want to be.

This program will teach you the tools, practices and give you the support you need to start learning how to slow down, connect back to yourself, and start to cultivate confidence and self trust.

Get on the waitlist to receive details on when the program is open for registration next.