Be like rice, grow through your transitions

The roads around my home are covered with rice harvested from the fields being laid out to dry.

It was almost like one day I could drive on the roads with ease and the next I'm navigating my motorbike carefully through piles of harvested rice (see photo below

Seeing the roads covered makes me think of the rice's journey…

They start out in the fields planted in mud.

Then they start to sprout with little speckles of green poking out of the dark, brown mud.

Next the sprouts grow and the fields become vibrant, green and lush.

Then the rice transforms into a golden yellow.

From here, they're harvested and laid out on the road as the fields become muddy again. 

The journey of rice transitions and flows through its natural cycles… with much ease.

We as human beings also go through change and transitions. But more often than not, we don't do it with as much ease as rice does!

Instead we have expectations, attachments, conditions that make change more challenging than it needs to be.

Maybe there's even anger and frustration in transitions. Or fear and annoyance.

The more we can embrace that change and transitions are a natural part of life, the more we can be like rice. The more we can flow with ease and little resistance. We can start to feel more freedom. We learn to take with us the teachings from the season and embrace the opportunities of the next one.

My invitation to you is this: be like rice, grow through your transitions.

Remember that each season serves a purpose.

What purpose did last season offer you and how can you be open to the season ahead? Share in the comments below.
