This myth about emotions hurts my whole body

Over the weekend here in the magical forest we kept getting these short bursts of downpours.

One minute the sky would be dark and ominous as the rain pounded the Earth.

The the next, the clouds would move, the sun would shine but it'd still be rainy.

Yes, it was sunny and raining at the same time.

This is an important lesson from nature.

Nature is showing us that you can be and feel two “opposite things” at once.

It hurts my whole body when someone tells me that they "can't be sad because they should be happy."

Or when they experience loss, they feel like they "should only be grieving."

Uh, no.

We mystical human beings are more nuanced than that! 🦋

You CAN be both happy and sad. Grieving and celebrating. Excited and scared.

You can be at a wedding and be so happy for the newlyweds AND sad that your long distance partner isn't with you.

Or celebrating the newlyweds AND grieving the loss of your recent relationship.

You are not meant to only feel one thing.

Our aliveness and fullness as both spiritual and human beings means creating space to hold, feel and be multiple things at once.

The more you learn to accept that versus force yourself to “only be happy”, the less you'll make yourself suffer.

And the more you'll be able to transform sh*t to gold.

When you find yourself saying “I should only feel X”, I invite you to SLOW DOWN and PAUSE:

Can you name ALL of the emotions arising? Can you create space to hold all of them, to not push some aside in favour of others? Can you let go of the story that you should only feel one thing?

Remind yourself that just like nature, you can be both sunny and rainy.

Having a healthy relationship with yourself requires emotional awareness, growth and mastery to honour and accept ALL of your emotions and to stop fitting them emotions into little, neat, clean boxes 📦

Interested in expanding your toolbox of emotional awareness, growth and mastery?

Connect Back to Self, my 7-week group mindfulness program is now OPEN for early bird registration 💥 and this is something we delve into and explore deeper in the container.

We start the first week of September.

Program modules + what to expect + testimonials:

Questions? Leave a comment below and I'd be more than happy to answer them!

xo, Victoria

ps. This supportive, immersive and transformational container starts in September and you can save almost $200 if you join us before August 26th.

It's time to let yourself shine. Details here.