4 ways to motivate yourself to take inspired action

Have you ever found yourself overwhelmed by your to-do list and that overwhelm leads you to freeze and do nothing?

But then you end up feeling even more anxious?

Maybe you’ve even used “I’m gonna rest” as an excuse?

(Btw - I am def not shaming rest. But I have used “I’m resting” as a MAJOR crutch in keeping anxious procrastination energy going. There’s a difference between actively resting versus using it to hide and stay small… but that's an email for another day).

If any of this resonates, you’re not alone.

100% of the people who answered a poll I put on Instagram yesterday said yup, they could relate.

I’ve experimented with a bunch of different ways to move out of that inaction-freeze-hide-do-nothing-but-still-feel-anxious mode…

And want to share the four things I personally do to motivate myself to take inspired action and feel powerful, confident and creative AF:

(1) Slow down, connect and PLAN

Stop rushing out of bed and immediately working or checking your phone. Create intentional time and space to slow down and connect to yourself + your intentions when you wake up. Once you’ve connected to yourself FIRST, then you can plan your day.

This helps you feel more grounded and then you can actually plan the day to what you need/want versus what you think you “should do”.

(2) Daily decisions

DECIDE 1 thing you’ll do in the morning and 1 thing you’ll do in the afternoon (or evening). Commit yourself to getting it done. Deciding is a powerful AF energy.

Indecision = zaps your energy.

(3) 20-min focused work sessions

Set a timer for 20-mins and just do the thing. No editing, censoring, judging, doubting or questioning yourself in this 20-min span.

I like to turn on my manifestation music, light incense and get myself in the zone for the 20-mins. Set your environment up in a way that supports you. (Fyi I create a lot of my content in 20-mins focused sessions).

(4) Do the hardest thing first

That thing you gotta get done, that you want to overthink all day? Do that thing first!

Instead of worrying about it all day, doing it first will free up SO MUCH energy for the rest of your day.

**Bonus (5)** work with your nervous system in addition to the above.

For example: when you do that hard thing first, afterwards you might go into freak out mode.

Your brain might tell you all sorts of things like: “you’re did it wrong” or “why’d you do that” or “people are going to judge you now”. That’s normal.

Cultivate calm and safety in your body to calm the mind from these protective thoughts.

Go out for a walk. Do your breathing practice. Affirm in your body that you aren't going to die, even if you brain says you are. Stretch, shake, dance.

Partnering with your NS means you expand your ability to move out of fight-flight-freeze and into rest-digest-calm-safety.

Try these out and if they help you, let me know! I’d love to hear.

xo, Victoria

ps. Taking aligned action is a practice, because more often than not, taking action isn’t easy. It’s not sunshine, rainbows and puppies. It often means confront your fears, doubts and beliefs.

But the more you do it, and the more tools you have to do it, the more the action taking muscle strengthens. Learning to take aligned action is a WHOLE freakin’ module inside my mindfulness program Connect Back to Self.

If you decide to join before August 19th, you’ll also save almost $200. Check out the full program here.

pps. when you expand your ability to take aligned action, the less time you waste worrying and being anxious – AND THE MORE TIME YOU HAVE TO ACTUALLY LIVE + ENJOY LIFE.

Here's a photo of me living my best life on the Gatineau River right now without the oppressive anxiety + guilt because I practice taking aligned action.