The time I met Thich Nhat Hanh

Recently, Thich Nhat Hanh, celebrated his 95th continuation day (birthday).

In honour of this, I spent time reflecting on how much his practical teachings on mindfulness have supported and transformed my life. And through the inspiration of his teachings, I use mindfulness and mindful ways of being to support my community.

Back in 2017, I was honoured to meet Thich Nhat Hanh in person.

This was during a week of mindfulness at Thai Plum Village, Thich Nhat Hanh's monastery and practice centre just outside of Bangkok, Thailand.

I learned so much that week!

But there's one thing in particular that continues to inspire and motivate me today.

In the large and beautiful meditation hall, with over 200 monks and nuns and new mindfulness friends, we had the opportunity to practice mindful eating with our dear teacher (Thay as his community lovingly calls him, the Vietnamese word for teacher).

In 2014, Thay had a stroke leaving him unable to speak and partially paralyzed. But still very much present, aware and alert.

As he was assisted into the meditation hall via wheelchair, I still remember the feeling and the energy in the space.

It immediately changed when he entered.

There was an overwhelming sense of ease and peace.

Thich Nhat Hanh did not have to DO or SAY anything to inspire change.

It was in his BEING that did.

This has become a foundation to how I live and create my life and business.

And this is what I coach my clients through to embrace their magic.

Instead of trying to figure out all the nitty gritty details of your plan….

Instead of putting pressure on all the HOW and what you have to DO…

Instead of putting all of your energy into what you have to ACHIEVE by when…

First ask yourself this:


When you invite and allow yourself to get clear on the BEING, this will support the DOING with inspired actions.

There's less force and resistance.

And more intuition, creativity, clarity and alignment.

Life starts to expand in ways you never thought were possible.

Starting valuing your BEING (and not just what you DO).

Feel called to explore this for your life, relationships and work/business?

Not really sure where to start or how to deepen this way of living?

Explore 1:1 life and mindfulness coaching with me. I currently offer two ways to work with me: breakthrough session and longer term containers.

From the entrance at Thai Plum Village