A lie about rest we need to shift

Something I hear often is the belief that rest is unproductive.

I hear this from my coaching clients.

From potential clients who book clarity calls with me.

From people on Instagram.

From my friends and family.

From former colleagues.

I'm not surprised that this is such a strong belief across all my communities because here's what we've all been conditioned to believe:

Our worth is directly connected to our level of productivity.

So doing unproductive things (like rest) lowers our worth and value and make us "not good enough as” or “less than” others.

This is a lie.

Growing up there was this commercial we'd always see on TV.

It was a commercial for a battery.

And in it was a bunny.

Pop the battery into the bunny and the bunny would be so energized, it would run around the screen in circles. (Anyone else remember the Energizer bunny commercial?)

Once the bunny slowed down, you could replace the battery and the bunny would keeping going and doing.

That's the point of batteries after all, right? To keep our machines working and going.

What am I getting to here?

We are not robotic bunnies who have slots for batteries.

There is no limitless supply of batteries for us to change over once we're running low.

If we are not energizer bunnies then we need to learn how to re-charge our own internal batteries.

This makes rest productive.

This makes rest necessary.

This makes rest one of the greatest gifts we can give ourselves (and others).

There are many types of rest, too. Rest isn't always a nap. It can be a break from social media. Or some time alone. Or cooking yourself a homemade nourishing meal with your full love and presence.

How to make rest intentional and deliberate this weekend:

  1. Bring awareness to where you feel tired, drained and exhausted.

  2. Then ask yourself, how can I recharge energy in this area of my life?

  3. Then, go do it. Recharge yourself in a way that YOU see fit (there's no rules you have no follow here).

  4. Tip: Trust and affirm to yourself that rest IS productive. Operate from this belief as you move through your weekend.

If you're feeling drained from work because there's been no creativity, do something creative. If you're feeling exhausted from overcommitment with others, spend some alone time doing something you love.

For me, I'm making rest deliberate with a Reiki self healing session and connecting with my friends in Vietnam for our monthly meet up.

ps. if you want to break the cycles of needing to constantly prove your worth and embody more courage and confidence, I have three 1:1 coaching spots available for 2021. Let's see if we'd be a good fit for one another…

>> Book a connection call with me (complimentary, of course).

Here's what Lina said about our time together earlier this year: