What shaving my head taught me

If we haven't had the pleasure to meet in person or online yet and you didn't know, I wear my hair with a shaved side.

I love when I get it re-shaved… it feels amazingly fresh!

But, have I ever told you how SCARED I was to do this?

I still remember the conversation so clearly…

We were out with friends for pizza at 4Ps in Da Nang, Vietnam.

And I had told my friend Thao that I wanted to shave the side of my head but I was scared of what others would think.

As I said it out loud, I laughed…

Here I was saying what I WANTED then doubting myself because of other people's judgements.

I'm sure we could all relate to this!

As I heard my own voice out loud, it made me realize that I had two options for how I lived…

#1. How I wanted to


#2. Making my decisions based on what other people MIGHT or MIGHT not think

The next day after that pizza dinner, I went to the hair salon and asked them to shave the side of my head.

And felt so free!

Literally because part of my scalp was feeling the wind for the first time since I was born.

But also free in that I listened to my desires, moved through the fear, and made an empowered decision for myself.

I didn't let the fear stop or control me. Nor did I hide from it or use it against myself.

If I hadn't made this decision, 1.5 years later, I would probably still be sitting here full of worry about what I “should” do about my hair.

I'm sharing this story with you because I want you to know that when doubts arise, you are not alone.

All of us experience it.

And it doesn't make us less than or not good enough.

But it does ask us to tune in. Tune in and ask ourselves what is it that we truly want.

What allows us to be the most authentic versions of ourselves?

And when you have that answer, be courageous and go for it.