Make love to calm

"Calm down, just be calm” are common things we either tell ourselves or have been told.

But have you ever noticed how when someone says “just calm down!” it never really works? It actually just makes you more anxious / agitated 😅

If you're like me and you grew up with emotionally unaware parents, are used to things being chaotic, or have experienced trauma… being told to be calm isn't helpful.

Cultivating calm is so much more than snapping yourself out of anxiety or stress or busy thoughts.

It takes awareness.

It takes courage.

And it takes a certain level of intimacy with yourself, your body, your reactions.

I have an invitation for you: make love to calm.

Get intimate with the practice. Invite it in, in a way that feels safe and good and nourishing for you.

This means challenging your environment, the way you think you “should” be, and disrupting the way in which you usually respond.

Cultivating calm is beyond “doing” and is embedded in BEING.

This takes practice.

And with the right tools, you get to cultivate a relationship with calm that is fulfilling, attentive, supportive, and shows up regularly.

A relationship beyond calm coming and going like a fleeting flirtation.

You can tell yourself til you're blue in the face to “be calm”, but if your body and your nervous system doesn't actually know what this is and what it feels like, it won't work.

Calm will only end up ghosting you faster than your last tinder date.

That's why understanding how your nervous system works in cultivating calm is so important.

And that's exactly what you'll learn if you join my 7-week mindfulness course, Connect Back to Self (link course here pls!)

Deepen your relationship with yourself AND your nervous system through a mindful, compassionate and embodied lens.

Whats included:
✧ Weekly live calls (90 mins)
✧ Weekly assignments to move your energy & integrate what you learn
✧ Mindfulness rituals to do at home (inc. mindful tea drinking, walking, eating etc)
✧ To activate the hero + healer within
✧ Clarity on your needs + next steps
✧ Peel back the layers of "shoulds" to move forward
✧ Cultivate courage, confidence, self love + trust
& so much more.

Investing in this mindfulness course is an investment in yourself and how you want to BE in the world.

It's an investment in your relationship to calm and if you integrate what you learn, I have no doubts that you'll feel more calm, grounded, and present in life.

xo, Victoria