We are not puzzle pieces

My last set of unpopular opinions ignited so many fun conversations, I started to reflect on other unpopular opinions I have…


Unpopular opinion: We are not puzzle pieces looking for our missing pieces.

We are not puzzle pieces, period.

The idea that we are puzzles doesn't make sense to me. Does it to you?

It makes me feel like I am not whole because I have holes in me.

It makes me feel like I can only fit in one place, in one small part of the puzzle of life.

When instead I feel like I want to expand in many different directions, in all angles!

Being a puzzle piece feels rigid, to be honest.

This narrative of being puzzle pieces does not work for me.

It makes me cringe thinking that I am on some endless quest to find THE ONE missing piece AND THEN I'll feel happy, successful, fulfilled.

Because the truth is this: there is no one person - or thing - that will complete you.

You are already whole.

The sooner you can remember that, the sooner you will:

  • Feel less anxious

  • Feel excited to wake up and BE alive

  • Be yourself without fear of judgement

  • Love yourself for ALL your imperfections and quirks

I like to think of us instead as tectonic plates moving about the world.

Whole pieces floating on the earth, making movements both together and apart.

We do not “complete each other” as tectonic plates, but, we ARE connected.

Connected to one another as we navigate life because how I choose to be affects how you be, and how you be affects how your loved ones be, how companies choose to be affect how I be, etc.

So as we approach the next 6 months of 2022, I invite you to REMEMBER that you are not a puzzle piece.

You are alive, and full and whole as you are.

Love, Victoria

ps. I'm on a mission to help as many folks as possible have a relationship with themselves that doesn't make them cringe.

That doesn't make them feel like they are missing crucial pieces because they REMEMBER in their body, mind, heart and soul that they are WHOLE.

Are you ready to have this kind of relationship with yourself? Explore working with me 1:1.

pps. Not ready for 1:1 work but want to listen more to your body and get out of your busy, anxious thoughts? You're invited to join my online community, the Embodied Soul Space where we have live, regular yoga, meditation, mindfulness sessions AND the new tiers = more accountability to actually show up for yourself.