Body-based practices for each Human Design type

A few weeks ago when I shared that using Human Design was part of my personal and professional practice, I asked online if people would like to see more HD content from me.

Many folks said yes.

And I sat on it.

Not because I don't have the knowledge, training or experience with the system...

But because there is SO MUCH HD content out there.

I personally did not want to just regurgitate info life "generators do things that light you up". OK but like, the generators I work with always ask me what that actually means…

So instead of that kinda stuff I asked myself how can I share HD content that feels like ME? That aligns with how I see and use the system?

One way I love working with Human Design is integrating it into our bodies.

Listening to our bodies. Leading body-first. Honouring body whispers.

Here are body based practices that support each Human Design energy type:

Projectors and Manifestors: Yoga Nidra, Deep Relaxation or Restorative Yoga to rest and recharge because your undefined sacral motor centre can make you go-go-go and lead you to bitterness, anger and burnout if you DON'T rest.

Reflectors: Breath work to release the energy you take in through your undefined centres from other peoples' energy and your environment.

Generators and Manifesting Generators: What makes your body feel expansive (vs constrictive)? Do that. And when that feel goes away? Permission to do something else.

Try this out this weekend and let me know how it resonates!

xo, Victoria

ps. I'm a 6/2 Self Projected Projector - what's your Human Design? Let me know in the comments below!

pps. Human Design is one of the many modalities I use to support my clients in building healthy relationships with themselves. Consider becoming a 1:1 client here