Instead of new year resolutions, try this

Happy New Year!

I'm anti-new-year-resolutions.

After years of setting them, failing them, and subsequently beating myself up about them, I've become less focused on resolutions, planning and executing things “to do” and focused more on how I want to be.

Letting my BEING inspire what and how I'll do.

For example:

One of my core beliefs, and what I teach my students and clients, is that we need to listen to our bodies.

After years of ignoring my body's cues and signals, I've learnt and deeply believe that our bodies hold so much wisdom if we let ourselves slow down and listen to it.

From this core belief, I've developed the skills to…

(1) live more in the moment, less in the worries of the past or future

(2) find more peace and joy in every day life

(3) make decisions not just with my mind and intellect, but with my body and intuition

(4) self regulate my nervous system to move gracefully through difficult emotions and challenges

(5) gain more clarity on my wants and goals and the motivation to take the right next steps

When we live too much in the mind, we are often distracted, impatient, and agitated.

Often consumed by the regrets of the past or fears of the future.

And it's easy when you live in the mind to have a small thing snow ball into big, unhealthy thought cycle and beliefs.

My invitation here is instead of forcing yourself to set daunting resolutions and “do” them…

… reflect on how you want to BE.

fyi: did you know that studies show almost 80% of new year resolutions fail?

Yoga, movement, meditation, mindfulness and writing are some of my favourite tools to do this.

If in 2022 you'd like to focus more on BEING instead of do-do-ing and want to connect back to your body, you're invited to join my online yoga + mindfulness studio.

Live online sessions via Zoom resume this week with yin yoga, Meditate + Write, and restorative yoga.

And if you can't join live, when you become a member, all of the sessions are recorded and added into a library of mindful videos for you to watch at any time.

Class schedule + testimonials + payment plans:

I can't wait to support you in connecting back to your body and living more peacefully + joyfully in the present moment.

With love,


ps. details for my online studio and class descriptions can be found here.

pps. all of my coaching clients get unlimited access to my online studio as additional support in our work together so that they can implement and integrate the shifts and insights created.

If you want more than just classes, but to really delve into who you are, your core beliefs, and learn how to authentically express and trust yourself in that expression, working with me 1:1 through mentorship and coaching might be a better fit.