Confidence won't come gift wrapped.

Building confidence and trust in ourselves is a practice. It's a skill that we can nourish and cultivate. 

And it all starts with the kind of relationship you have to yourself. 

For many, this relationship is the one they focus on last.

Often women think it's more important to be the best partner.
To be the perfect mom.
To be the best boss, or the employee of the month.
Or think that they're too busy with their commitments to focus on themselves.

This habit does not serve you. 

It fact, it plants the seeds for self judgement, anxiety, stress, worry, and fear.

Some signs that show that you need to connect back to yourself and start learning how to cultivate more confidence and self trust:

  • You have a hard time making decisions, and spend a lot of time/energy trying to make one instead of making one

  • You make a decision and it feels right for you, but then you spend hours (days!) second guessing yourself

  • You look to other people - your partners, friends, family - for confirmation on what you should do

No one is going to gift wrap confidence in a box and give it to you for Christmas.

Self-trust won't magically appear when you have 1k / 100k / 1 million followers on Instagram.

You won't stop judging yourself once you're in the “perfect job” or “perfect relationship”.

Look at any confident, successful, and content woman - listen to their story - and they will tell you how self mastery in the relationship with yourself is important. 

How many women make themselves small in their relationships (romantic, friendships, or workplace) so that they don't upset the other person? 

How many women make decisions based on the needs of others to the detriment of their own joy, health, wealth, and well-being?

Do you think it's because they don't have enough Instagram followers or the perfect job?
Or… because they don't have a strong, confident relationship with who they are and how they want to be?

And I get it, you know mentally that you should not judge yourself and that you should be more courageous and confident but you don't know where to start

I've been there. And I see you. I'm also here to support you.

Learn how to slow down and build a relationship with yourself so that you can start to be confident, courageous, bold and living life how you want to.

Get support and accountability to stop making excuses and put more focus into you, because you deserve it.

Rome wasn't built in a day, and confident, successful women didn't just snap their fingers to be as they are. 

But, they did make a choice. 

They chose to take a small step. They chose to learn how to start building a relationship with themselves.

Book your free 1-hr clarity call with me to get clear on what it is that’s stopping you from connecting to yourself and see if we’d be a good fit to work together.