The sacred relationship of ALL parts of your Being

I talk a lot about being > doing and how powerful it can be when we are intentional about how we BE.

What do I mean by powerful way of being?

In today's world we tend to live predominately in one, maybe two ways of being.

We let our minds run the show. Often leading us in circles and in cycles of indecisiveness and inaction.

Or we live in our hearts (emotions) and we become our emotions of fear, anger, anxiety, and stress. Or we bypass these and force ourselves to "be happy and positive only".

Or maybe we live in the mix of mind and heart (emotions) and they push, force and resist one another 🤯 like two people trying to drive ONE car.

A POWERFUL WAY OF BEING invites ALL parts of you into the conversation:
🧘‍♀️ Body
🧠 Mind
💛 Heart (emotions)
🌌 Soul (Spirit, energy)

A powerful way of being means you lead, live, create, work, play, make decisions and steer your life with the WISDOM of ALL of these parts of you, together.

One is not better than the other.

One does not need to show off to the others and be an aggressive leader.

Instead they all talk to one another. They all LOVE up on one another. They all KNOW that they need each other.

I know society, trauma, and oppressive systems have taught you to BE a certain way... to lead from a certain place...

But remember, you are SO MUCH MORE than your body. Or your mind. Or your emotions. Or your Soul.

You are f*cking magic.

You get to experience ALL of these things together, as a human BEING.

You get to BE all of them at once.

But how do you start living from your powerful way of being?

1️⃣ Start with awareness.

Ask yourself these questions daily to check in:

  1. Which part(s) of me want to rush?

  2. Which part(s) of me are running away from the others?

  3. Which part(s) of me want to be invited in?

  4. Which part(s) can I nurture a bit more today?

Notice if there's a pattern. Is your mind always leading the show?

I use to live predominantly in the mind. My mind would run way down the road and across the street while my body and emotions tried to keep up. Often my soul and Spirit weren't even invited into the mix, they were embarrassed to show up.

In learning how to bring awareness, curiosity, compassion to each part of me, I now live, work, and BE from this powerful place.

And let me tell you - there's just so much more joy. There's so much more trust. There's so much more ease in moving through life and business.

AND, when life does present challenges, because it always does, one part of me isn't shutting down or hiding. They're invited to show up and be taken care of.

This powerful way of being is all about anchoring yourself within.

Not to an external thing you can't control.

With this anchoring, you will be able to navigate any and all situations in life — learning how to trust yourself and take aligned action from this place.

With love as you explore YOUR powerful way of being,


ps. This is the work I do with my 1:1 clients. We move from AWARENESS to where you are currently living from and WHY/HOW that came to be to ⏩ CULTIVATING + DEVELOPING a new way of being to ⏩ naturally operating from your powerful way of BEING.

Interested? Curious? Your body-mind-heart-soul screaming it wants to live this way too? I'm launching a new way to work with me this season:

Introducing… 1:1 Inner Wisdom Coaching Sessions (75-mins)

An inner wisdom coaching session is for you if you’re feeling lost, stuck or unclear about something specific right now. This session will help you tap into your inner wisdom to get perspective, clarity, and next action steps.

Through reflective questions and mindful coaching, you'll gain perspective and move out of the overthinking mind and back into your body, heart and soul for wisdom. By the end of the session, you’ll feel less lost and more clear about what to do next.

The session will also include meditation, breath work and grounding for integration.

Investment: $222 USD

I have four spots left in March, and have opened up availability in April.

Book your session here.