Moving out of scarcity

Do you let yourself dream?

Or do you kinda sorta hold yourself back from doing this? (if so, there's no shame here, this was definitely me for a long time)

Somewhere along the way we've forgotten to dream.

Or have become scared to dream (I know this used to be true for me).

Or think that we need a special skill to do it.

But authors and Leadership Coaches Gina LaRoche and Jennifer Cohen remind us of this:

"Beyond that thrust for survival is something else built into us: the capacity to dream, to long, to feel awe, to desire. We seek to reach, to go beyond where we are currently.

Following these desires helps us identify, understand, locate, and own our power. By using our power effectively, we help take the scare out of scarcity."

~ excerpt from their book, The 7 Laws of Enough: Cultivating a Life of Sustainable Abundance

I love that they tie dreaming back to owning our power!

Giving myself permission to dream, reminding myself that it is my divine birth right to dream, to desire, to feel in awe has become a truly powerful practice.

I dream for myself. For generations before me. For generations after me. For our communities.

The process of dreaming (and the resistance to it) has helped me see where I was keeping myself small. Where society engrained into me the idea that I wasn't allowed to, or "how dare I" desire that for myself.

I make intentional, purposeful time to JUST DREAM.

And I do this with my coaching clients. I often ask them, "what are your dreams?", "at the end of our time together, how do you dream to be?".

If fear or resistance arises, I remind them that this is normal.

We work through their resistance, where it comes from and how they are holding on to it in their bodies.

With compassion and practice, they start to change their relationship to dreaming. They LET themselves dream 🌠 They take the risk to dream with courage and trust.

One client left their job as a doctor because they dreamed of a better, more aligned way of being, living and working.

While another re-entered the workforce more grounded and calm after their maternity leave.

Dreaming can reveal where your limiting beliefs are holding you back - so with awareness you can shift this.

And at the same time, dreaming reminds you that there are SO many other possibilities for you and your life 🎆

If you needed a sign to dream, take this as it.

Want support to make YOUR dreams come true? If so, reflect on the following…

If we worked together 1-on-1 and you received ALL of the support, accountability, tools to make your dreams come true, who would you be at the end of our time together?

If you were held gently, yet firmly, to your highest self how would you act as someone who is living their dream? What thoughts would you have in your dream life? How does this feel in your body?

Leave a comment and share your answers with me! It'll help me see if we'd be a good fit to co-create your dreams. If we are, we can explore it further :)

Alright you beautiful human being, dream on!
