On feeling like you never belong

Last week I was watching Street Food USA on Netflix, and the episode on Chef Thuy's story made me cry!

My eyes watered with deep resonance at how powerful it can be shift our personal stories and become our own heroes.

Chef Thuy shared her empowering story of being a Vietnamese refugee to the US and her struggles growing up feeling like she never belonged anywhere – feeling too Asian for the West and too western for the East.

I resonate with that, deeply. And so do many of the clients I support while they navigate the intersections of identity, ancestry and belonging.

Growing up, I spent so much time and energy on wishing that I could just change how I looked…

Or change the fact that my mum was a single mum who didn't speak a lick of English…

Or change the fact that we grew up poor…

Or change the responsibility I had as the eldest daughter…

Or change my identity so I didn't stick out as an Asian woman…

Or change how deep and sensitive I felt…

Or change how my parents didn't express their emotions…

For so long, I wished that I could change all of these things about myself because they made me feel like I didn't belong.

Here's how I shifted out of the constant state of doubt and questioning on my belonging:

I STOPPED asking whether or not I belonged and STARTED learning how to love, trust and feel safe with all the parts of me and my story that I wished was different.

You can't change what you look like, or how you were raised, or how your parents did or didn't express their love…

But you can change the stories you hold about them and what you make them mean about you.

In my experience, the more I tried to “fit in” with the crowd, the less I felt like I belonged.

But the more I love and trust myself exactly as I am - glorious, messy, sensitive and all - the more I feel connected to my place in the world.

Invitation to get intimate with the parts of you that make you feel sticky, that make you cringe, the parts of you, you grew up hating and wishing were different.

Question that. Challenge that. And transform that part of your story.

Because when you do… deep self love, self trust, courage and confidence is born.

Want to re-connect, re-discover, and revolutionize your relationship with yourself?

My signature mindfulness course, Connect Back to Self is back and now open for enrollment!!

I give a sh*t that you feel connected to and can BE yourself without the guilt and shame, and if you give a sh*t about this too, this course is for you.

What to expect in this 7-week deep dive and immersive experience all about YOU:

  • Weekly 90-min live calls with replay options if you can't join live

  • Weekly assignments to move your energy forward and integrate what you learn

  • Mindfulness practices & rituals to do at home (under 10-mins, inc. mindful tea drinking, mindful walking, mindful eating + more)

  • To activate the hero and healer within by expanding your awareness of your physical, mental, emotional and spiritual bodies

  • To find clarity on your needs and next steps

  • To peel back the layers of “shoulds” that are suffocating your authentic way of being

  • To embrace the art of slowing down and being more present

  • To revolutionize the relationship you have with yourself

  • A mix of theory, practice and live coaching on the weekly calls

  • Accountability and like-minded, soul-full community

Early bird investment:

$595 USD one-time payment OR split the payment into 2 x $300 USD

After August 26th, it goes up to $777 USD.

We start the weekend of September 24th - November 13th, check out the details below.

I can't wait to meet, guide and witness you as you journey on this powerful AF path back to yourself!!!

xo, Victoria

ps. read what Phoebe said about taking this course last year:

"I felt drawn to Victoria's "Connect Back to Self Course" and it turned out to be one of the best decisions of my life. We worked on slowing down, connecting, and clarity and in these weeks I was able to see my life and my needs more clearly and built up the courage to initiate major changes in my life.

I left my job and decided to put getting to know myself first. In the following months I worked with Victoria as my 1:1 coach where she supported me so much, in so many ways. I'm very thankful I found her as my perfect coach. Thank you, Victoria."

Feeling drawn? Check out the course details here.