It takes courage to be yourself.

A theme that I've been reflecting a lot on lately is courage

And particularly, how much courage it takes to live your life your way, that honours who you are and how you want to be.

Often you might think of courage in big adventurous things like the courage to sky dive or jump off a 10 foot cliff into the ocean.

But courage is something that you can cultivate and use in everyday life. 

It takes courage to stand up for what you believe in.

It takes courage to make decisions that align to you and your life, regardless of others opinions.

It takes courage to make a commitment to yourself, to show up for yourself.

It takes courage to say no, to set boundaries.

It takes courage to say yes, to step into opportunities and possibilities that present themselves to you.

Doing nothing is easy. It's easy to stay in your comfort zone than risk stepping into uncertainty and trying something new.

And I get it… courage also means embracing fear. Embracing failure. Embracing not doing things perfectly. It means being vulnerable, it means asking for help in a world that has socialized us to think being strong means doing everything yourself.

The more I connect to myself, the more I find myself taking courageous steps to living the life that embodies who I am and how I want to be.

Part of my routine right now includes a weekly Reiki share circle and a weekly writing group. They are Monday and Friday evenings. For so long I held stories around being too busy to commit to these activities, that evenings were bad times for me, that I needed my evenings for something else. Even though I wanted to do them and knew they would be good for me, I was too afraid to commit to them.

 So I asked myself, who do you want to be Victoria? I want to be someone who continually nurtures my interests, who nourishes my body not only physically and mentally but creativity and intuitively, who makes meaningful and purposeful connections with a regular community of people full of support and encouragement.

In recognizing that I need to take action to live my life how I want – no one else is going to do that for me – I said YES to these things and they have since become highlights of week.

I see this as courage in action.

 It didn't mean I had to turn my life upside down to be courageous. It just meant recognizing that courage is in small steps, too.

Do you recognize yourself in this story, friends? What does courage mean to you? How can you practice taking small courageous steps in every day life? 

Is it to show up to that weekly online yoga class despite stories you might be holding about online practices? To get up 15 minutes earlier for some alone time? To ask for help and support?

Enjoy this season of transition and change to recognize and cultivate courage within you. It's there, friends… it just needs some attention :)

Get clarity on what's stopping you. I've been getting messages about how much my posts and emails have resonated with you and how you can study with me more in depth so I am opening up a few time slots over the next week to have free 1:1 clarity calls to help you get clear on what's not working for you and where you want to go. This is for you if you're ready to courageously put yourself first and connect back to self and take action on cultivating healthier, authentic habits that align with who you want to be. This call is NOT for you if you are not ready to ask for help or don't think it's important to invest in yourself to change your circumstances. Book a call to get clear now.