Five ways to invite yourself to feel

In case no one's ever told you… It's okay to feel. 

It’s okay to let yourself feel.

It’s okay to acknowledge your emotions.

Let's normalize the experience of feeling our emotions instead of running, hiding and distracting ourselves.

Letting yourself feel is necessary in the journey of growth and healing.

Growing up I was conditioned to NOT feel.

Instead, I learnt to hide, run and distract from my feelings.

This only led to the bottling of emotions, and eventual explosion of said emotion.

And as I look back on this conditioning, I recognize that it wasn’t healthy for me.

Were you brought up with similar conditioning??

The inner work of transforming this conditioning means:

  1. Bringing awareness to it, and,

  2. Taking the action to change it.

I've had to learn how to give myself permission to feel (no one else can do it for you.)

Today, I embody the practice of feeling into my being.

When we embody this, we step into our more brave, authentic, courageous and confident selves.

Do you give yourself permission to feel?

Here are five ways to invite yourself to feel:


1. FEEL INTO YOUR BODY: Our bodies hold experiences, emotions, and energy, maybe more than you might think. Tune into the feelings you hold in your body. This might mean moving the body: stretch, walk, run, do yoga, exercise. It also might mean soothing the body and making your nervous system feel safe.

2. WRITE IT OUT: Journal and write about your emotions. The practice of writing can be quite healing and therapeutic.

3. NAME THE FEELING: “I feel X.” Is a powerful statement, it invites us to acknowledge and recognize. The period at the end invites a full stop, which for me means simply observing without creating a story or attachment to the emotion.

4. TALK TO SOMEONE: Someone you trust, someone who can hold space for you and practice non-judgement and compassionate listening. This might be someone professional like a therapist, coach or energy worker. It might be a family member, friend, or someone else in your community. When I do this, I add on to the statement above “I feel X. Can I talk to you about it?”

5. MEDITATE + BREATHE: Give yourself space to BE WITH your feelings, relax into it, lean into it. Space is sometimes all it needs to soften.

Try one of these if it resonates with you.

And if you're looking for support on how to connect with yourself in a more healthy, holistic, healing way, please reach out. You're not alone and I'm here for you.

Book a conversation with me to get clarity on what's blocking you.

The courage in my heart, sees the courage in your heart 💛