Do you ever put yourself first?

A question for you, friends… Do you ever put yourself first? 

Or do you feel guilty?

Think it's selfish?

Or is self care a priority for you?

Taking care of myself first was a big learning curve. I always thought, and was taught, that I needed to be at the bottom of that list, that everyone else came first.

But that meant I was often tired. Exhausted. Stressed. Anxious. Irritable. Short tempered.

How can we take care of others if that's the foundation that we're coming from?

Instead the foundation I actively cultivate now is full of calm, ease, openness and presence. 

 From this foundation, I can be a better entrepreneur, coach, partner, educator, friend, daughter and sister.

Reflect on how showing up for yourself can benefit you as the leader of your business... how can it benefit your loved ones… your team... your clients?

And then, I ask, how will you commit to showing up for yourself this week?

Write it down. Repeat it to yourself. Mondays are a great time to set intentions.

Bring into your life what you want, to create the ease and freedom you crave. 

Shift that dreaded Monday feeling into something that excites and inspires you.

Here are three ways I can support you and your self-care goals this week:

#1. Weekly online yin, restorative and Move + Meditate classes to move stress in the body, release tension and relax the mind. Details here.

#2. Listen to a guided meditation to calm the mind and offer yourself a break from those racing thoughts. I offer free meditations on Insight Timer (the meditation app) here

#3. I help small - medium sized entrepreneurs who are stressed, anxious and overwhelmed by their business growth cultivate more calm to avoid burnout, clarity to make better decisions, and feel more joy about being a business owner through movement and mindfulness coaching. Book a free 1:1 discovery call to see if you'd be a good fit.

 On the call, I’ll be asking you a lot of questions so that you can gain clarity on where you are at and where you want to go. It may be challenging but without clarity you will continue on autopilot with the unhealthy behaviours that are negatively impacting you and your business. On our private call, I may also give you some personalized advice on what I would do in your situation.