Overcoming imposter syndrome

Last night I went to an event at a fancy schmany hotel in downtown Toronto where I had to get dressed up.

The event was the Women of Distinction Awards, honouring what I'd call are badass women doing epic shit to change the world. It was REALLY fun.

The thing is though, I got nervous the morning of because of imposter syndrome thoughts.

Do I belong there?

What are people going to think of me and what I've been doing the last 6 years – leaving the workplace, traveling, being an entrepreneur instead?

These thoughts created unease in my body. Strong sensations.

Awareness of these strong sensations in my body is how I know I need to recalibrate.

Imposter syndrome is really just your human brain trying to protect you from uncomfortable situations.

So those thoughts, and my body's reactions to the thoughts, were just trying to get me to stay in my comfort, to stay home and maintain my hermit energy.

^^ this would've been the EASY thing… to stay home.

… to let the not enoughness “factory setting” (what my mentor Simone Seol calls it) take over how we live our lives.

But as someone who believes that we all deserve an epic life, that we all deserve to be surrounded by epic people… the EASY thing wasn't the right thing.

So I ironed my linen clothes, tried on way too many outfit options, found shoes that weren't flip flops and put in the energy and effort:

  • to feel confident in that space

  • to feel ease amongst the group of mostly strangers

  • to not let imposter syndrome stop me from having fun, be soul inspired, and soak up the energy that is badass women doing epic shit

The next time imposter syndrome rears it's ugly head at you, do this:

(1) Remember that you are human, and it's okay to have these thoughts and nervous system reactions

(2) Put in the energy and effort to NOT let these thoughts and nervous system reactions control how you want to be and what life you want to live

(3) Ask yourself, what would the version of you living their most epic life feel, do and be?

(4) Feel, do and be step 3.

Wishing you an epic day ahead,


ps. those four steps above is what we do inside my 1:1 coaching containers. I help you remember that you are an epic human who can do epic shit even if you have thoughts or feelings of doubt.

Because when you feel, do and be from that epic highest version of you, you feel more confident, more joy, more ease and more love.

Apply to work with me 1:1.