How Mindfulness has Supported Me as an Entrepreneur

One of the first things I learned on my first yoga teacher training is that to be a good teacher, you always need to be a student. Studentship never ends. Good teachers are always learning. And from this place of being a student, or cultivating a beginners mind, there are so many possibilities.

I'm currently enrolled in a few trainings including a trauma-informed yoga teacher training and sales and marketing one so that I can continue to create spaces of presence and intention as an educator and entrepreneur. In one of the trainings, this came up: “Entrepreneurship is the best form of personal development”. What do you think? Do you agree or uhm… not sure?

Personally, I would agree. Entrepreneurship isn't a walk in the park. Feelings of guilt, stress, anxiety, worry, fear, dis-trust, and lack of motivation are all common. But entrepreneurship with a mindfulness practice has been the foundation to creating a life and business that is nourishing, sustainable, and gives me the freedom I want to have. 

Mindful entrepreneurship has taught me how to better understand myself, increase my resilience capacity and in turn, empower myself on the entrepreneur journey. Using mindful tools backed by science and rooted in ancient Zen teachings has allowed me to:

  • Calm the racing thoughts to make better decisions for myself and my business

  • Feel less overwhelmed by everything I have to do

  • Properly rest and relax instead of thinking about work all the time

  • Effectively prioritize what I need to do and not be easily distracted

  • Exercise, read a book and take care of myself without feeling guilty

  • and actually enjoy the journey of being an entrepreneur!

Last week, I had an entrepreneur tell me that their mind was everywhere because of all the ideas people kept giving them and they couldn't decide what would be best for them. They were overwhelmed and stuck. This is a common problem - the racing thoughts that lead to an inability to move forward. I’ve worked with many people in supporting them on how to slow down the busy mind to cultivate calm and clarity and move away from stress / overwhelm in their work.

These conversations have really inspired me. Mindfulness is a powerful tool for calming the mind and growing your business.

Book a free 1-hour discovery call with me to see how you can work differently and I'll give you 3 - 4 tips on what I would do if I was in your situation. At the end I can also tell you about my new course if you're interested and see if we’d be a good fit to work together. 

These calls are for you if:

  • You run your own business

  • You really want to lower your stress and anxiety levels

  • You understand it takes time and commitment to create new healthy habits

Reserve your time to have a conversation with me now >

I have only opened up limited spots over the next few weeks and they are first booked, first served, so please act now if you're inspired to slow down your racing thoughts and make better decisions for yourself and your business.

I can't wait to connect with you more deeply!

With gratitude,