How to shift limiting beliefs

It's not that you lack confidence, courage or self worth.

It's that you grew up in a system that made you constantly have to prove yourself to other people than feel innately worthy as you are. 

It's that since you were young, you were trained to seek the approval of others instead of approving yourself. 

It's that society reinforces the idea that you should stay small, be quiet, and not cause trouble… so then owning your power feels unsafe. 

Does this resonate with you? 

It did for one of my coaching clients recently. 

She grew up in a country where material things are often totted around as signs of status and wealth. 

This environment, the conditions to which she saw people flaunt material things for the sake of status, had engrained a belief that she has been carrying around with her as an adult… 

You should not be proud of yourself when you accomplish something.

And if you are, you should not share it.

It is a sign of showing off.

And showing off is bad. 

Any time she achieved something and would start to feel proud… tightness would form in chest. Her throat would start to feel blocked. 

To her, being proud of herself was not a safe state of being. 

In our session, we worked to shift this belief by going through the following process together (I also do this personally):

  • How this belief came to be

  • How to disprove the lie through a writing and meditation exercise

  • How to find evidence of the opposite of this belief

  • How to reprogram her somatic/body response to being proud of her accomplishments

And I'm not going to lie, the process of transforming deeply held beliefs in mind, body, and energy isn't always easy. 

At the end of the session, she wasn't really sure where it was all going to land. 

BUT the important part is this: she was open and committed to actively going through this process regularly to reframe and rewrite the story held in her body, mind and energy. 

Then a few hours after our session, I got this message from her…


When my client shifted this deeply held belief that showing off your accomplishments made you somehow inherently “bad” and she couldn't feel proud of herself, things started to change… 



She shifted to believing and knowing in her full body that she was worthy of being proud of herself, AND THIS DID NOT MAKE HER BAD. 

Some other results that came through this transformation included:

  • More clients showing up to her offers (double, actually!)

  • Saving hours on something that usually took her 3 hours (instead it all flowed with much more ease!)

This is why I am such a deep advocate for embodied, somatic and energetic healing. 

You can mentally “know” your limiting beliefs for… well, ever. 

But they won't change until you also change how you hold it in your body and the energy you ascribe to it. 

If you're resonating with this and wanting to do the work of shifting the stories you hold in mind, body and energy, we might be aligned to work together. 

what coaching with me looks like:

  • Weekly coaching sessions 3x per month, with one week off for integration

  • Text and voice note support between sessions

  • Unlimited access to my online studio (live sessions, 100+ videos, Masterclasses)

  • 22% off Reiki healing sessions

  • Your investment requires time, openness, and a commitment to change

Does this make you both excited but also maybe a bit scared and nervous? That's normal. Often when we're presented with opportunities to step in and grow, there's a mix of all that stuff.

Book a call with me here, I'd love to get to know you and we can explore those emotions a bit more.


Looking forward to holding space for your growth and healing,
