How to feel powerful in using your voice

For so long I held myself back from sharing my thoughts, insights and story.

And when I did momentarily find some courage to do so… it felt icky.

It wasn't as empowering as the mainstream said it was going to be.

But now, I share with so much gratitude and joy.

What changed?

Sharing became a joy when I realized that I wasn't sharing for approval or permission…

… but that sharing my insights and story is a form of deep self expression, courage, trust and an honouring of who I am.

When I stopped sharing for external validation, for someone else outside of myself to give me the recognition I craved and learnt how to first see myself, my whole relationship to sharing changed.

This applies to all the different ways in which I share.

When I write an email to you and connect to my community.

When I create social media posts about my life and business.

When I share stories with my family, friends and partner, deepening our connection.

What's your relationship with sharing?

When you write posts, or send emails and texts?

Or when you have a conversation with someone you know (or don't know)?

How often do censor yourself from sharing your experience or opinion out of fear of judgement or not being “good enough”?

How often do you share but with an energy of “please like me” or “please approve of what I'm saying”?

Here's an invitation for you to flirt with:

The possibility that you can give yourself permission to share your voice, your story, your unique way of seeing and engaging in the world

The possibility that when you share there's a sensation of power and expansion in your body because you're not sharing for anyone (or everyone), you're sharing FOR YOU.

Stop wasting precious energy in vying for the approval of everyone (it's impossible!).

Your vulnerability is a gift to yourself, and the world.

With love,


ps. “but what if I share something and people stop liking / following me? what if it pushes people out of my life?”

Your purpose in this world is NOT to be liked by everyone. Some people might be scared off and out of your life, yes, but when you a true to yourself, when you own your story, it will draw in the people who are truly here FOR YOU. They won't require you to shape shift. They'll love you for being you.

pps. this is what my clients learn and embrace in our 1:1 coaching together. my clients learn how to shed the layers of who they “should” be and unleash all that they're meant to be. yep. it's life changing. and I have a front row seat to the transformation. I love my job.

See if we are aligned by booking a 30-min discovery call with me. It's complimentary.